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Always thinking about the future & moving proactively – we are not afraid to experiment

Customers use NextLabs Zero Trust Data Security to solve some of their toughest security challenges

NextLabs empower intelligent enterprises with an industry-leading policy-driven data protection platform to protect business-critical data and applications. By employing a zero-trust, data-centric security strategy, we go beyond mere perimeter defense. We provide robust protection directly around your most vital data, ensuring its safety no matter where it resides or is shared. In doing so, we enable organizations to harness the power of advanced technology, drive decisions through data-centric analytics, and foster secure collaboration.

Patents by Type

Dynamic Authorization
  • Enforcing and Automating Information Control Using Policies in a Distributed Environment (8621549)
  • Enforcing Document Control Using Policies in a Distributed Information Management System (8627490)
  • Protecting Documents Using Digital Rights Policies and Encryption Using Dynamic Authorization (9961049)
  • Using Dynamic Policy to Enable Secure Sharing of Encrypted Documents Within and Outside an Organization (10523423)
  • Technique to apply Dynamic Authorization Policy Across Multiple Application Programs with Requests Submitted Through an HTTP-Based API (10592683)
  • Dynamically Granting and Enforcing Rights on a Protected Document (10936739) 
  • Applying an Dynamic Authorization Policy Across Multiple Application Programs with Requests Submitted Through an HTTP-Based API (11347880)
Attribute-Based Access Control
  • Enforcing Application and Access Control Policies Across Multiple Applications (8407345 B2)
  • Enforcing Attribute-Based Access Control across Multiple Information Management Systems (8464314)
  • Enforcing Policy-Based Application and Access Control in an Information Management System (8595788)
  • Enforcing Access Control Policies on Servers in an Information Management System (8677499)
Attribute-Based Policy Language
  • Techniques of Transforming Policies to Enforce Control in an Information Management System (8544058)
  • Multilayer Policy Language Structure (9864752)
  • Technique to Analyzing Policies of an Information Management System using Policy Set and Reusable Policy Components (10289858)
  • Protecting Documents with Centralized and Discretionary Policies (10387669)
  • Protecting Documents with Centralized and Discretionary Policies (11132459)
Policy Deployment & Targeting
  • Techniques and System to Deploy Policies Intelligently (7716240)
  • Associating Code to a Target Through Code Inspection (8156566)
  • Techniques and System to Optimize and Automatically Deploy Policies for Offline Execution (8185548)
  • Techniques and System to Optimize Policy Deployment – Inspecting Code and Reducing Code Size Associated to a Target (8640191)
Policy Enforcement & Optimization
  • Enforcing Universal Access Control in an Information Management System (7877781)
  • Techniques and System to Optimize and Automatically Deploy Policies for Offline Execution (8185548)
  • Preventing Conflicts of Interest Between Two or More Groups Using Applications (7877409)
  • Technique and system to Improve Policy Performance in an Information Management System (8661003)
Access Analytics
  • Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Information Usage Data (7774363)
  • Analyzing Usage Information of an Information Management System (8244745)
  • Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Activity Profiles (8321437)
  • Using Information Usage Data to Detect Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies (8396890)
  • Using Centrally Managed Policy to Analyze and Correlate Policy Activities and Usage Data to Detect Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies in an Distributed Information Management System (8694523)
  • Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Activity Data (9311503)
Next Generation Digital Rights Management
  • Policy-based Approach to Protect Data Shared Using Encryption and Digital Rights Protection Technique (8843734)
  • Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (9064131)
  • Protecting Information Using Policies and Encryption (9313182)
  • Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (9413771)
  • Protecting Information Using Policies and Encryption (9558360)
  • Protecting Documents Using Digital Rights Policies and Encryption Using Dynamic Authorization (9961049)
  • Protecting Information Using Digital Rights Policies and Encryption as Container (10110597)
  • Technique to Share Digital Rights Protected Documents in a Web Browser (10303892)
  • Technique to Protect Documents Using Policies and Encryption for Sharing (10554635)
  • Sharing Encrypted Documents Within and Outside an Organization (10911223)
  • Protecting Information Using Policies and Encryption (10873574)
  • Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (11057355)
  • Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (EP2599027)
  • Sharing Encrypted Documents Within and Outside an Organization (EP3497614)

All Patents

Comprehensive portfolio of 90+ patents in the United States and Europe

  1. Techniques and System to Deploy Policies Intelligently (7716240)
  2. Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Information Usage Data (7774363)
  3. Preventing Conflicts of Interest Between Two or More Groups Using Applications (7877409)
  4. Enforcing Universal Access Control in an Information Management System (7877781)
  5. Techniques of Optimizing Policies in an Information Management System (8150816)
  6. Associating Code to a Target Through Code Inspection (8156566)
  7. Techniques and System to Optimize and Automatically Deploy Policies for Offline Execution (8185548)
  8. Analyzing Usage Information of an Information Management System (8244745)
  9. Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Activity Profiles (8321437)
  10. Using Information Usage Data to Detect Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies (8396890)
  11. Enforcing Application and Access Control Policies Across Multiple Applications (8407345 B2)
  12. Enforcing Attribute-Based Access Control across Multiple Information Management Systems (8464314)
  13. Techniques of Transforming Policies to Enforce Control in an Information Management System (8544058)
  14. Enforcing Policy-Based Application and Access Control in an Information Management System (8595788)
  15. Enforcing and Automating Information Control Using Policies in a Distributed Environment (8621549)
  16. Enforcing Document Control Using Policies in a Distributed Information Management System (8627490)
  17. Techniques and System to Optimize Policy Deployment – Inspecting Code and Reducing Code Size Associated to a Target (8640191)
  18. Technique and system to Improve Policy Performance in an Information Management System (8661003)
  19. Enforcing Access Control Policies on Servers in an Information Management System (8677499)
  20. Using Centrally Managed Policy to Analyze and Correlate Policy Activities and Usage Data to Detect Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies in an Distributed Information Management System (8694523)
  21. Preventing Conflicts of Interests Between Two or More Groups Using Applications with Policy (8762412)
  22. Policy-driven Techniques and System to Monitor and Log Access of Information Based on System and User Context (8832048)
  23. Policy-based Approach to Protect Data Shared Using Encryption and Digital Rights Protection Technique (8843734)
  24. Technique to Analyze and Correlate Activity Data to Detect Risk and Anomaly (8849858)
  25. Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Information Flow and Usage Activity Data (8862551)
  26. Deploying Policies and Allowing Off-Line Evaluations (8875218)
  27. Policy Optimization Technique for Inspecting Code and Reducing Code Size Associated to a Target (8904478)
  28. Enforcing Policy-Based Application and Access Control in an Information Management System (8959580)
  29. Technique and System to Preventing Conflicts of Interests Between Two or More Groups (8972449)
  30. Techniques of Transforming Policies to Enforce Control in an Information Management System (8990886)
  31. Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (9064131)
  32. Techniques and System to Manage Access of Information Using Policies (9081981)
  33. Analyzing Usage Information of an Information Management System to determine information policy violation (9152774)
  34. Techniques and System to Optimize Policy Deployment by Inspecting Code and Reducing Code Size Associated to a Target (9203868)
  35. Techniques of Transforming Policies to Enforce Control in an Information Management System (9253216)
  36. Preventing Conflicts of Interests Between Two or More Groups Using Applications (9298895)
  37. Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Activity Data (9311503)
  38. Protecting Information Using Policies and Encryption (9313182)
  39. Enforcing Universal Access Control in an Information Management System (9384358)
  40. Techniques and System for Specifying Policies Using Abstractions (9384360)
  41. Deploying Policies and Allowing Off-Line Policy Evaluations (9384363)
  42. Preventing Conflicts of Interests Between Two or More Groups (9396351)
  43. Enforcing Policy-Based Application and Access Control in an Information Management System (9398051)
  1. Technique and System to Analyze and Correlate Activity Data of an Information Management System (9407662) 
  2. Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (9413771)
  3. Enforcing Control Policies in an Information Management System with Two or More Interactive Enforcement Points (9497219)
  4. Intelligent Policy Deployment Technique Based on Characteristics of the Targets (9531595)
  5. Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Activity Data (9558193)
  6. Protecting Information Using Policies and Encryption (9558360)
  7. Inspecting Code and Reducing Code Size Associated to a Target (9684795)
  8. Transforming Policies to Enforce Control in an Information Management System (9703978)
  9. Deploying Policies and Allowing Offline Policy Evaluation (9740703)
  10. Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Activity Profiles (9767302)
  11. Multilayer Policy Language Structure (9864752)
  12. Enforcing Policy-based Application and Access Control in an Information Management System (9866594)
  13. Information Management System with Two or More Interactive Enforcement Points (9942271)
  14. Advanced Method to Detect Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Access Data (9946717)
  15. Protecting Documents Using Digital Rights Policies and Encryption Using Dynamic Authorization (9961049)
  16. Enforcing Access Control Policies in an Information Management System Across Multiple Applications (9973533)
  17. Approach to enforce Universal Access Control in an Information Management System using Centralized ABAC policy (10104125)
  18. Protecting Information Using Digital Rights Policies and Encryption as Container (10110597)
  19. Techniques and System to Monitor and Log Access of Information based on System and User Context Using Policies (10114965)
  20. Technique to Managing Access of Information Using Dynamic Policies (10181047)
  21. Technique to Prevent Conflicts of Interests Between Two or More Groups Using Policy (10223366)
  22. Technique to Analyzing Policies of an Information Management System using Policy Set and Reusable Policy Components (10289858)
  23. Technique to Share Digital Rights Protected Documents in a Web Browser (10303892)
  24. Preventing Conflicts of Interests Between Two or More Groups Using Applications (10380363)
  25. Protecting Documents with Centralized and Discretionary Policies (10387669)
  26. Using Dynamic Policy to Enable Secure Sharing of Encrypted Documents Within and Outside an Organization (10523423)
  27. Technique to Enforce Control Policies in an Information Management System with Two or More Interactive Enforcement Points (10536485)
  28. Technique to Protect Documents Using Policies and Encryption for Sharing (10554635)
  29. Technique to apply Dynamic Authorization Policy Across Multiple Application Programs with Requests Submitted Through an HTTP-Based API (10592683)
  30. Protecting Information Using Policies and Encryption (10873574)
  31. Sharing Encrypted Documents Within and Outside an Organization (10911223) 
  32. Dynamically Granting and Enforcing Rights on a Protected Document (10936739) 
  33. Using Centrally Managed Policy to Control Display Content of a Graphical User Interface (11042955) 
  34. Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (11057355) 
  35. Protecting Documents with Centralized and Discretionary Policies (11132459) 
  36. Applying an Dynamic Authorization Policy Across Multiple Application Programs with Requests Submitted Through an HTTP-Based API (11347880) 
  37. Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (2599027) 
  38. Sharing Encrypted Documents Within and Outside an Organization (3497614)
  39. Protecting Information Using Policies and Encryption (12768404)
  40. Protecting Documents with Centralized and Discretionary Policies (10387669)
  41. Protecting a Document with a Security Overlay on a Web Browser (11853442)
  42. Policies and Encryption to Protect Digital Information (20230164141)
  43. Sharing Encrypted Documents Within and Outside an Organization (3866388)