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Protecting Data Anywhere and Everywhere 

NextLabs products enable organizations to protect their data, anywhere and everywhereOur products use a Zero Trust data-centric approach to security, protecting data whether it is at rest, in use, or on the moveData is protected within applications as well as in structured and unstructured data stores through NextLabs’ unified data security policy platform, providing a Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) for organizationsOur dynamic authorization technology and real-time policy engine allows data access policies to be enforced at the time of access, wherever the data is being accessed. 

CloudAz Brochure

Explore the brochure on how to achieve a unified approach for access management and data security

BAE Customer Story

Learn how BAE complies with electronic export regulations and protect IP while enabling and accelerating global collaboration

CloudAz DataSheet

Discover why enterprises need a Zero Trust strategy for secure global data access and a virtual workforce without compromising integrity

Protect Data Anywhere & Everywhere

In use, at rest, and on the move

Dynamic Authorization and Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA)

Technology leader with 85+ patents and an official member of the NIST National Cybersecurity Excellence Partnership program since it’s inception.

Highest Performant & Most Scalable Policy Engine

The most mature & battle-tested policy engine in the industry processing greater than 10 billion authorization requests per year.

Comprehensive Data-Centric Security

Protect structured and unstructured data throughout its entire lifecycle: at rest, in transit, and in use; to ensure end to end secure data pipeline regardless of where data resides – whether it is in application, file, file repository, or database on-premises or in the cloud.

Next Generation Technology

Cloud native and container-based unified policy platform and enforcers enable rapid multi and hybrid cloud deployment with the best time-to-value track record.

Zero Trust Data Security Suite

NextLabs comprehensive Zero Trust Data-Centric security suite includes, CloudAz, the control center and policy engine, and our three enforcement solutions to protect data at the source (Application Enforcer), persistently protect files at rest and on the move (SkyDRM), and control global data access (Data Access Enforcer). 

Enterprises often have a combination of on-premises and cloud environments, and need a single solution to protect data everywhere.

The Solution:

The NextLabs suite of products can be deployed anywhere, be it on-premises, in private cloud, or as a SaaS. Our products run natively on AWS, Azure, OpenShift and Google Cloud. With support for multiple deployment models, it gives you the freedom to choose the right cloud deployment strategy, whether it is hybrid or multi-cloud.

Run on any Cloud

The products in NextLabs data centric security suite can be deployed in on-premises, SaaS, private cloud, or hybrid environmentsAll major cloud providers are supported. 

Consistent Policies

Whatever the environment, the NextLabs Zero Trust Data-Centric security suite of products allows organizations to apply data access policies to all of their data across the organization.

All Lifecycle Stages

Data is always protected, at rest, in use, and on the move, whenever and wherever it is being accessed.