Why Dynamic Authorization is a Big Deal in Data Security

If you’re unfamiliar with dynamic authorization, it could very well be the biggest little secret you’ll hear regarding data security. Dynamic authorization brings a wide range of benefits to the table. From protecting sensitive data, to keeping compliance officers happy, to simplifying IT administration, dynamic authorization best positions companies to succeed in an increasingly globalized and collaborative business environment.

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Smart Encryption — EDRM, Powered by Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) 

If you work with intellectual property, handle sensitive materials, or are subject to regulatory compliance, you need to safeguard your digital assets. The ideology has shifted from “if” a data breach occurs, to “when” it will occur. Chasing dynamic data with static security models will not support a fast-moving company. The paradigm is shifting to Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) to redefine data protection. 

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An Overview on ACPL 4GL

NextLabs’ Active Control Policy Language (ACPL) is a fourth-generation policy language (4GL) based on the XACML standard for access control. It’s the underlying language of NextLabs Control Center, the platform that allows users to express and manage information control policies.

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What is Dynamic Authorization?

Dynamic authorization is the core technology behind the NextLabs platform, in which authorization and access rights to an organization’s network, applications, data, and other sensitive assets are granted dynamically in real-time via attribute-based access control (ABAC) policies. A dynamic authorization system with ABAC significantly streamlines the management process, removing the need to individually administer hundreds of thousands of access-control lists and role assignments on a daily basis.

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The Definitive Guide to Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)

Attribute-based access control (ABAC) has emerged as the next-gen technology for secure access to business-critical data. The complexities of today’s IT landscape – think cloud apps, data silos, mobile, IoT, Big Data – has exposed the limitations of role-based access control (RBAC) solutions, leaving organizations vulnerable on the data security front. By many, including Gartner and NIST, ABAC is now being considered as the dominant mechanism for the future.

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