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Industry Participation & Recognitions

At NextLabs, we are builders to the very core. We innovate tirelessly, delivering solutions that integrate seamlessly into our customers’ ecosystems and set new standards in interoperability. Partnering with leading industry and standard bodies like NIST and OASIS, we’ve played a pivotal role in defining open APIs and global standards. NextLabs products are recognized by leading research communities as one of the best. Our ever-expanding patent portfolio includes breakthrough technologies such as 4GL Policy Language, Dynamic Authorization Policy Engine, Zero Trust Policy Platform with Data Access Analytics, Real-Time Data-Centric Security Enforcement, and Next Generation DRM.

Breakthrough Technology

NextLabs has a long-standing tradition of technological excellence and a large portfolio of patents – we are always in pursuit of the next breakthrough

ACPL 4GL Policy Language

Dynamic Authorization Policy Engine

Zero Trust Policy Platform

Real Time Data-Centric Security Enforcement

Enterprise Digital Rights Management (E-DRM)

Zero Code Application Integrations

NextLabs has been featured and short listed as the market leader in the area of:

  • Zero Trust Data Security
  • Externalized Authorization Management
  • Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) & Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC)
  • Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management
  • Data Governance 
  • Data Security Platform
  • Secure Collaboration & Digital Rights Management (DRM)
  • Dynamic Data Masking & Logical Data Segregation 

By industry analysts, such as:

Patent Portfolio

NextLabs proudly holds close to 100 patents in the following technology areas

Dynamic Authorization
  • Enforcing and Automating Information Control Using Policies in a Distributed Environment (8621549)
  • Enforcing Document Control Using Policies in a Distributed Information Management System (8627490)
  • Protecting Documents Using Digital Rights Policies and Encryption Using Dynamic Authorization (9961049)
  • Using Dynamic Policy to Enable Secure Sharing of Encrypted Documents Within and Outside an Organization (10523423)
  • Technique to apply Dynamic Authorization Policy Across Multiple Application Programs with Requests Submitted Through an HTTP-Based API (10592683)
  • Dynamically Granting and Enforcing Rights on a Protected Document (10936739) 
  • Applying an Dynamic Authorization Policy Across Multiple Application Programs with Requests Submitted Through an HTTP-Based API (11347880)
Attribute-Based Access Control
  • Enforcing Application and Access Control Policies Across Multiple Applications (8407345 B2)
  • Enforcing Attribute-Based Access Control across Multiple Information Management Systems (8464314)
  • Enforcing Policy-Based Application and Access Control in an Information Management System (8595788)
  • Enforcing Access Control Policies on Servers in an Information Management System (8677499)
Attribute-Based Policy Language
  • Techniques of Transforming Policies to Enforce Control in an Information Management System (8544058)
  • Multilayer Policy Language Structure (9864752)
  • Technique to Analyzing Policies of an Information Management System using Policy Set and Reusable Policy Components (10289858)
  • Protecting Documents with Centralized and Discretionary Policies (10387669)
  • Protecting Documents with Centralized and Discretionary Policies (11132459)
Policy Deployment & Targeting
  • Techniques and System to Deploy Policies Intelligently (7716240)
  • Associating Code to a Target Through Code Inspection (8156566)
  • Techniques and System to Optimize and Automatically Deploy Policies for Offline Execution (8185548)
  • Techniques and System to Optimize Policy Deployment – Inspecting Code and Reducing Code Size Associated to a Target (8640191)
Policy Enforcement & Optimization
  • Enforcing Universal Access Control in an Information Management System (7877781)
  • Techniques and System to Optimize and Automatically Deploy Policies for Offline Execution (8185548)
  • Preventing Conflicts of Interest Between Two or More Groups Using Applications (7877409)
  • Technique and system to Improve Policy Performance in an Information Management System (8661003)
Access Analytics
  • Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Information Usage Data (7774363)
  • Analyzing Usage Information of an Information Management System (8244745)
  • Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Activity Profiles (8321437)
  • Using Information Usage Data to Detect Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies (8396890)
  • Using Centrally Managed Policy to Analyze and Correlate Policy Activities and Usage Data to Detect Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies in an Distributed Information Management System (8694523)
  • Detecting Behavioral Patterns and Anomalies Using Activity Data (9311503)
Next Generation Digital Rights Management
  • Policy-based Approach to Protect Data Shared Using Encryption and Digital Rights Protection Technique (8843734)
  • Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (9064131)
  • Protecting Information Using Policies and Encryption (9313182)
  • Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (9413771)
  • Protecting Information Using Policies and Encryption (9558360)
  • Protecting Documents Using Digital Rights Policies and Encryption Using Dynamic Authorization (9961049)
  • Protecting Information Using Digital Rights Policies and Encryption as Container (10110597)
  • Technique to Share Digital Rights Protected Documents in a Web Browser (10303892)
  • Technique to Protect Documents Using Policies and Encryption for Sharing (10554635)
  • Sharing Encrypted Documents Within and Outside an Organization (10911223)
  • Protecting Information Using Policies and Encryption (10873574)
  • Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (11057355)
  • Protecting Documents Using Policies and Encryption (EP2599027)
  • Sharing Encrypted Documents Within and Outside an Organization (EP3497614)

Our Industry Participation

As part of our industry participation, we are members of NIST NCCoE’s NCEP Partner Network. The mission of the NCCoE is to collaborate with innovators to provide real-world cybersecurity capabilities that address business needs. An NCEP partner’s investment may take the form of physical infrastructure such as hardware and software components, intellectual knowledge including best practices and lessons learned, or physically or logically colocated personnel who work side by side with federal staff.

We have also contributed to the following works:

Attribute-Based Access Control: NIST SP 800-162

NextLabs was selected by NIST to help define the core capabilities and benefits of Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC).

Attribute-Based Access Control: NIST SP 1800-3

This paper is a collaborative effort between the NCCoE and technology providers to demonstrate a standards-based approach to ABAC.