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Siemens Solutions

Visualize your safeguarded digital economy

Siemens products, particularly their Teamcenter suite, play a pivotal role in today’s Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) processes, by offering solutions for end-to-end product development, management, and optimization.  

NextLabs collaborates with Siemens to safeguard sensitive PLM data throughout its lifecycle, with a Digital Rights Management (DRM) solution provides out-of-the-box integration with Teamcenter, CAD tools, and JT2Go to enhance secure information sharing within and outside of Teamcenter. 

Secure Collaboration for PLM

Discover a secure platform-based solution for collaboration in new PLM technologies

Siemens Teamcenter Digital Rights Management

Learn how to extend Teamcenter security to protect files in & outside of Teamcenter and throughout its lifecycle

Intellectual Property Protection

Explore a unified policy set for secure, compliant collaboration within and outside the enterprise, preventing intellectual property misuse and improper disclosure

Securing Data Across the Product Lifecycle

NextLabs allows organizations to protect data throughout the entire PLM process, from conception to retirement. The solution persistently protects product files — designs, 3D models, assembly and test documents, process and operations guides — regardless of where they are stored or who they are shared with. Dynamic data-level controls filter and redact sensitive product, lifecycle, quality, and production data to prevent wrongful disclosure.  

NextLabs’ solution also extends its protection to software code, IoT data, simulation and test files, electrical designs, EDA, as well as CAM and additive manufacturing assets. On top of controlling access and usage, users can classify and securely store files, ensuring they are automatically protected with rights when uploaded to a file repository. 

By providing persistent file protection, NextLabs empowers enterprises to secure their manufacturing processes, supply chains, and partner collaborations. Moreover, the solution safeguards AI/ML data and LLM models, protecting AI-augmented designs from potential threats. 

NextLabs for Siemens Features

Automated Rights Protection

Real-time Enforcement

Centralized Policy Management

File Type Agnostic

Native Application Support

Centralized Visibility & Control

NextLabs Solutions for Siemens

SkyDRM for Teamcenter

Offers enhanced protection with advanced rights protection capabilities to ensure highly confidential product information is always secure.

SkyDRM for NX

Enables users to work with DRM-protected files directly within NX for secure collaboration both internally and externally.

SkyDRM for SolidWorks

Allows users to work with DRM protected files natively in SolidWorks. It provides persistent data protection for secure collaboration with internal users and external partners.

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