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Secure Data Access Service Edge

Stay ahead of the curve with digitization, collaboration

DASE (Data Access Security Edge) is considered the next generation of SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) adding an extra layer of security to the cloud-based network architecture. While SASE is focused on providing secure access to applications, DASE takes it a step further by addressing the need for secure access to data as well. DASE enables organizations to provide secure access to data that is stored in various cloud environments, including public and private clouds, while maintaining control over who can access the data and how it is used. 

The Next Frontier of SASE

Explore the next frontier of SASE, emphasizing the importance of securing access for data and applications alongside networks and devices

Addressing Gaps in Your Cyber Security

Discover why assuming cybersecurity solutions protect data within containers is outdated, proposing a shift to designs focused directly on data security

NextLabs and the GDPR

Discover how NextLabs automates GDPR compliance and security policies, protecting and controlling access to personally identifiable information to prevent security violations

A Secure Data Access Service Edge approach addresses:

Lack of data access controls

Increased risk of data breaches and other security incidents due to insufficient access controls

Data Protection Regulations

Such as ITAR, HIPAA, GDPR and CCPA, that have different requirements for compliance often overlap within the same organization

The need for data governance

Lack of which leads to complex data management processes and variance in data quality

Why Secure Data Access Service Edge ?

  • Cloud-Native Architecture: Secures access to data and applications from any device and anywhere, addressing the security challenges of organizations with a distributed workforce. 
  • Context-Aware: Access to data is granted based on the user’s identity, location, and device, ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive data, and that data is always protected. 

By providing a cloud-native architecture, DASE enables organizations to scale and adapt to changing business requirements, without the need for significant infrastructure investments. DASE’s context-aware approach reduces the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks, while also enabling organizations to comply with industry regulations and internal policies. Overall, the characteristics of DASE provide a more effective security approach that is essential for modern data-driven business environments. 

NextLabs Secure Data Access Solution

NextLabs Data Access Enforcer (DAE) is a comprehensive Data Access Service Edge (DASE) solution that enables secure access to data from any device, anywhere. DAE is designed to be cloud-native, supporting on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments, providing organizations with the flexibility and scalability needed to adapt to changing business requirements. The solution offers a range of features, including data masking, format preserving encryption, and data segregation, that ensure that data is always protected. DAE supports many enterprise data sources out of the box and is also highly customizable, allowing organizations to tailor the solution to their specific security requirements, regardless of industry or size. 

DAE’s data-centric approach focuses specifically on data access, providing a context-aware approach with Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) policies, ensuring that access to sensitive data is granted based on the user’s identity, location, and device. Additionally, DAE provides end-to-end data protection, including data encryption and usage monitoring, ensuring that data is always protected throughout the data lifecycle. DAE is also highly scalable, providing organizations with the ability to adapt to changing business requirements without significant infrastructure investments.  

Intelligent Enterprise

By implementing security at the data access level, DASE enables organizations to better define how access and entitlements to that data should be granted and reduces the potential attack surface by preventing sensitive data from being handled within the application layer if it shouldn’t be accessedImplementation of data access policies makes it easier for organizations to digitize their data and allow for more collaboration on shared systems, increasing business agility and decreasing the time to market for new innovations

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