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as a Service

Protect data and ensure need-to-know access anywhere & everywhere

Protect your document, share and monitor it securely anywhere

Keep your documents safe from unauthorized access and control how they can be used.

SkyDRM Brochure

Explore the brochure on how to persistently protect files stored and shared anywhere

Bajaj Customer Story

Learn how Bajaj ensures secure data access, authorized sharing, real-time anomaly alerts, and compliance reporting

SkyDRM Data Sheet

Learn how SkyDRM protects sensitive documents flowing through internal and external business processes

Helping Enterprises Achieve


Modernize IT

Move faster, automate, improve efficiency, and be more agile


Surpass customer expectation

Prevent wrongful disclosure of customer data and provide secure access to critical business applications


Extend competitive advantage

Protect trade secret and intellectual property


Prevent data breaches

Close the security gap of perimeter security while allowing user to collaborate effectively

Why NextLabs SkyDRM?

Protect and monitor your business critical document such as intellectual property and product design, wherever it lives or travels – across devices, apps, cloud services and on-premises.

  • Persistent protection for your files: SkyDRM uses Digital Rights Management and Dynamic Authorization technology to protect file and enable secure sharing. Protection stays with the document, regardless of where it’s stored or who it’s shared with: inside or outside your network, on file servers, or in the cloud.
  • Monitor, remediate, and control sharing: Determine whether your file can be accessed, viewed, edited, printed, or shared. Apply flexible protection actions, such as encryption, access restrictions and visual markings. Grant permission to re-share on the file to prevent unauthorized forwarding or distribution.
  • Gain visibility and control: Apply centrally managed policy to gain more control over critical files, track them and revoke access if necessary. Learn what is happening with your files with activity log and monitor policy violations. SkyDRM records information such as file activity, device type and ID, location, time, user action, etc.


Like no other, SkyDRM is a complete digital rights management service today.

Secure your critical files with next-gen technology

SkyDRM’s dynamic authorization determines the access rights to documents in real-time. It leverages data classification and user and environment attributes to make those determinations.

Share any types of files

Share information safely inside and outside the organization. SkyDRM supports hundreds of file types including Microsoft Office files, Adobe PDF, Source code (java, cpp, etc.), 2D and 3D CAD files (dwg, prt, stp, etc.)

Collaborate and work in a team securely

SkyDRM comes with SkyDRM Project. It allows you to create virtual data rooms to store and share important project documents without worrying about leakage of intellectual property and trade secrets.

Protect files across multiple cloud repositories

Integrate with many cloud services and applications, including your own line-of-business applications and document repositories–whether on-premise or in the cloud.

Interact with 2D and 3D models directly with SkyDRM

Track, view and interact with 2D files and 3D models securely within a browser or mobile apps without any CAD software to enable sharing of 2D and 3D product design and manufacturing data on the fly.

Collaborate and share across organization with federated identity

Federated identity (e.g. SAML, OpenID) links users across multiple identity providers. Business partner maintains their own user identity, attributes, and changes to collaborate and share document securely.


Access SkyDRM across platforms to view documents online or offline.